
Transform your decisions: from Revenue to Profit Growth Management

How to boost business results through portfolio, pricing, promotion, and discount decisions.

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How to optimize the decisions that matter

Technology is a powerful ally when it comes to improving decision-making processes. The key is to define which decisions should be optimized through digitization, based on their impact on the »

How are we making decisions? 

It is difficult to find people in our organizations who believe that they do not know how to make decisions. However, some biases that make us systematically be wrong exist. »

Transform your decisions: from Revenue to Profit Growth Management Read More »

Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024): “Artificial intelligence will be better than people at making decisions”

With the topic of artificial intelligence, more relevant than ever, the contributions of the Nobel Prize winner in Economics remain pertinent. We pay tribute to him and remember with honor his participation in our 15th anniversary event.

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Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024): “Artificial intelligence will be better than people at making decisions” Read More »

Reports designed for deciding

An FMCG company invited us to think together how to optimize their decisions, using the great information and reports they had available, but that were rarely analyzed. We worked together to optimize their business decisions through the development of a Real-Time Decision Data that only contained the information necessary to better understand the key variables.

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Roles and responsibilities

We helped an international pharmaceutical company streamline the decision-making process at the regional level. To achieve this, we used our decision agility methodology, which allowed us to ensure the balance »

Optimization of an exploration and production decision 

A private oil and gas company in Latin America invited us to analyze and rethink its strategic exploration and production plan in order to identify development alternatives that would accelerate »

Reports designed for deciding Read More »

RGM Optimization

Decisions in companies are made by many people, they follow very different methods and dissimilar results are obtained. Sometimes, there are even decisions that are never questioned since, “they have always been made that way”. This is why we often help companies “put science” into decisions and leverage data and technology to ensure that each one is made in the best possible cost/benefit manner.
In an FMCG company, we optimized top-line decisions (price, discounts, promotions) by ensuring an optimal and homogeneous approach among all the people who make similar decisions in different product categories/channels/geographies, with surprising results.

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Roles and responsibilities

We helped an international pharmaceutical company streamline the decision-making process at the regional level. To achieve this, we used our decision agility methodology, which allowed us to ensure the balance »

Optimization of an exploration and production decision 

A private oil and gas company in Latin America invited us to analyze and rethink its strategic exploration and production plan in order to identify development alternatives that would accelerate »

RGM Optimization Read More »

Optimization of an exploration and production decision 

A private oil and gas company in Latin America invited us to analyze and rethink its strategic exploration and production plan in order to identify development alternatives that would accelerate its growth. Through working together with the client’s leadership team and with expert technical professionals, we were able to develop a strategy with a higher expected value in the incorporation of reserves and production levels. To achieve this result, the analysis of uncertainties without biases, as well as solid and reliable information in the characterization and evaluation of portfolio alternatives was essential.

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Roles and responsibilities

We helped an international pharmaceutical company streamline the decision-making process at the regional level. To achieve this, we used our decision agility methodology, which allowed us to ensure the balance »

Maximizing the value of an unconventional development project

The Exploration and Production area of a leading oil and gas company allowed us to challenge the decisions associated with the development strategy of one of its assets with greatest »

Optimization of an exploration and production decision  Read More »

How agile are we, indicators to measure organizational agility

Organizational agility has ceased to be an option and has become a requirement. Among the different elements that make up agility, dynamism of processes and routines is essential to be able to make the right decisions at the right time. How to ensure these routines contribute to good decision making? How can executives focus on what adds the most value to the business, leaving aside those issues that only distract them from the focus?

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How to optimize the decisions that matter

Technology is a powerful ally when it comes to improving decision-making processes. The key is to define which decisions should be optimized through digitization, based on their impact on the »

How are we making decisions? 

It is difficult to find people in our organizations who believe that they do not know how to make decisions. However, some biases that make us systematically be wrong exist. »

How agile are we, indicators to measure organizational agility Read More »

How to optimize the decisions that matter

Technology is a powerful ally when it comes to improving decision-making processes. The key is to define which decisions should be optimized through digitization, based on their impact on the business and their optimization potential. What questions do we need to ask ourselves to focus on the right decisions and maximize their value? What are the steps to follow in the decision optimization process?

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How are we making decisions? 

It is difficult to find people in our organizations who believe that they do not know how to make decisions. However, some biases that make us systematically be wrong exist. »

How to stretch the blanket? Using optimization tools – Part I

There are always more projects to implement or good ideas to execute than there are resources to carry them out. Or by not neglecting any project, valuable resources are consumed, »

How to optimize the decisions that matter Read More »